Video click twice the play button ;D
The City Performance at Arena Giardini went brilliantly for the Danish team Silkeborg Juniorteam – with their fantastic rhythm, tumbling and trampoline program – see the great video above!

And the audience was amazing, you could feel the energy and the joy coming even all the way from the back rows.
Silkeborg Junior team is a team which have great fun being together and which value team spirit.
The gymnasts aged 6th grade to 17 years, who want to improve their skills in addition to the weekly evening training in the local association.

Credits to
All the gymnasts from Silkeborg Juniorhold

Follow them here:
and Their effort would not have been possible without their volunteer coaches:
– Trine Mortensen
– Emma Kyed
– Emma Bjerrehuus
– Knud Erik Laursen
– Nicklas Laursen
– Simon Arevad Hansen
– Simon Vistisen

About the team:
Silkeborg Juniorhold er et hold for gymnaster i alderen 6. klasse til 17 år, som ønsker at dygtiggøre sig udover den ugentlige træning i lokalforeningen.
Det er ingen krav om gymnastisk niveau, men forventes smil, glæde og lyst til at lære.
På Silkeborg Juniorhold har vi udover gymnastikken også fokus på fællesskab, sjov og leg for at udarbejde et fantastisk opvisningsprogram hvor alle gymnaster får lov at vise deres udvikling og talent.
Vi starter i uge 35 med 2-3 åbne træninger.
For at kunne gå på holdet er du aktiv gymnast, instruktør, hjælpeinstruktør eller bestyrelsesmedlem i en lokalforening, der er medlem af DGI eller du er instruktør på et landsdelshold i DGI.
Mød bare op til gratis prøvetime.
About Festival Del Sole
The Festival del Sole is the biggest international “Gymnastics for all” event in the Mediterranean area.
For a whole week, the city of Riccione—the Italian holiday capital—turns into a huge stage where more than 5,000 athletes from around the world perform at their best.
Take a look on this awesome video below from the 14th edition Festival Del Sole 2018.
News 118